!% -S !================================================== Constant Story "THE BARON"; Constant Headline "^An interactive story, written by Victor Gijsbers and published under the GNU General Public License version 3 (or any later version). This is version 2 of ~The Baron~. ^Please type 'MENU' for instructions, even if you are an experienced reader of interactive fiction.^^"; Constant NO_SCORE; Replace Refers; ! GoNeighbour requires this Replace MakeMatch; ! pname requires this Replace Identical; ! pname requires this Replace NounDomain; ! pname requires this Replace TryGivenObject; ! pname requires this Replace DrawStatusLine; ! To get rid of turns. Replace AfterGameOver; ! To ask for keystrokes between showing 'END' and asking final input. Include "Parser"; Include "pname.h"; ! better name disambiguation Include "library_EN.inf"; ! *** Library messages *** Include "VerbLib"; Include "GoNeighbour"; ! "Go to " Constant QuipsOnByDefault; ! Menu options are automatically turned on for gtalk Include "gtalk"; ! Menu based conversation !=================================================== ! *** Classes *** Include "classes_EN.inf"; !=================================================== ! *** Scenes *** Include "scene_een_EN.inf"; Include "scene_twee_EN.inf"; Include "scene_drie_EN.inf"; Include "scene_vier_EN.inf"; Include "scene_vijf_EN.inf"; Include "scene_zes_EN.inf"; Include "scene_zeven_EN.inf"; !=================================================== ! *** Special Routines en Objects *** Include "menus"; ! Support for menus Include "special_EN.inf"; ! Special parts and the menu !=================================================== ! *** EntryPoints *** Include "entrypoint_EN.inf"; ! Initialisation Include "Grammar"; ! English grammar !=================================================== ! *** Verbs and Grammar *** Include "grammarverbs_EN.inf";